Program historical
The PhD program in Astrophysics, Cosmology, and Gravitation (PPGCosmo) was approved at a CAPES CTC meeting in April 2016. Subsequently, it was approved by the University Council of UFES, being authorized to start operating immediately after this approval. The program is based at UFES, which is responsible for issuing the corresponding diploma.
PPGCosmo includes, as permanent members, researchers from UFES (campuses in Vitória and São Mateus), CBPF, UFJF, UFOP, UFPR, UNESP, and UFBA. Internationally, PPGCosmo has collaborating researchers from Heidelberg University (Germany), University of Science and Technology of China, University of Geneva (Switzerland), University of Oslo (Norway), University of Insubria (Italy), University of Ferrara (Italy), University of Portsmouth (United Kingdom), and the Centro de Estudios Científicos (Chile).
All the Brazilian institutions involved in this program already had postgraduate programs in Physics when PPGCosmo was created. In this sense, PPGCosmo aims to develop a more specialized program without competing with the existing ones. The primary motivation for PPGCosmo is the joint supervision of students by researchers from both Brazil and abroad throughout the entire doctoral process, aiming to integrate the student into the international scientific community.
During PPGCosmo's existence, new permanent members have been accredited according to Resolution 03/2023, which aims to broaden the thematic and regional scope of the program, including participation in large collaborations with access to observational data.
Graduates and enrolled:The program already has 15 doctors and counts with 28 students regularly enrolled, all being in the doctorate.
Name of the coordinators and assistants-coordinators:
Coordinator: Valerio Marra (since 07/2022)
Coordinator: Júlio C. Fabris (08/2016-06/2022)
Deputy Coordinator: Davi C. Rodrigues (since 07/2022)
Deputy Coordinator: Hermano Velten (08/2016-06/2022)
Program report of the CAPES mark:
PPGCosmo is the first doctoral program in the field of Physics to receive an initial rating of 5 from the Brazilian agency CAPES. In the 2017-2020 quadrennium, the program’s CAPES rating remained at 5.