international co-tutorship

Students have one advisor in Brazil and another at one of the program's associated institutions abroad.

The new international PhD program in Astrophysics, Cosmology, and Gravitation was created to promote the training of specialists in these fields by integrating them into an international environment. The main goal of training PhD researchers in these fundamental research areas is to prepare them to operate at an international level, both in the quality of their work and the selection of research topics, as well as in their understanding of current scientific trends more broadly.

PPGCosmo is fundamentally oriented toward the process of internationalization. The creation of this program aims to immerse students in an international environment from the outset. Each student will have a co-advisor from one of the program's international partner institutions. In addition to spending 6 to 12 months at the institution of their external co-advisor, students will be guided by them throughout their doctoral studies.

Beyond the international research stay, students will benefit from short-term visits to the Brazilian institutions of faculty members and external collaborators. Simultaneously, they will be embedded in the extensive international cooperation networks involving researchers from Brazil and abroad who are participants in the program. All foreign institutions associated with PPGCosmo lead or co-lead major international observational consortia, and PPGCosmo students will automatically be involved in these consortia.

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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910