Astrophysics I

Code: PCOS0007
Course: PhD in Astrophysics, Cosmology, and Gravitation
Credits: 4
Hourly load: 60
Syllabus: I. The scales of distance in the Universe; \nII. Definition of magnitudes photometric systems photometric colours- concept of colour temperature and effective colour; \nIII. Spectral classification Hertzprung-Russel diagram; \nIV. Determination os stellar masses spectroscopic and photometric double visual systems; determination of star rays - eclipsing double systems mass-luminosity relation; \nV. Variable stars Cepheids, RR Lyrae, Delta Scuti, Nova and Supernova; \nVI. Star systems open and globular clusters; \nVII. Interstellar medium interstellar absorption dust ionized and neutral gas structure of the interstellar medium the action of cosmic rays and magnetic field; \nVIII. Galaxies morphological classification determination of masses integral properties active galaxies: Seyfers and quasars.
Bibliography: Astronomy Today . por Eric Chaisson & Steve McMillan . Prentice Hall Inc. New Jersey, 1999;
Astrophysical Concepts . Martin Harwit . John Wiley & Sons . NY . 1973
Introduction to Modern Astrophysics . 2nd edition . Bradley W. Carroll . Pearson 2013.

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