Cosmology I

Code: PCOS0005
Course: PhD in Astrophysics, Cosmology, and Gravitation
Credits: 4
Hourly load: 60
Syllabus: Observations based on the beginning of the Universe. Cosmologic models. General properties of the Big Bang. The Universe less than one second after the Big Bang. Primordial nucleosynthesis. Creation and evolution of background radiation. Creation of the structure of the Universe. Creation of the first objects. Creation of galaxies and galaxy clusters.
Bibliography: KOLB, E.W. e TURNER, M.S. - The Early Universe. Addison - Wesley (1990).
PEEBLES, P.J.E. - Principles of Physical Cosmology, Princieton Univ. Press (1993).
WEINBERG, S. - Grav. and Cosmology. Wiley (72).
PADMANABHAN, T. - Structure Formation in the Universe, Cambridge Univ. Press (1993)
PEACOCK - Cosmological Physics, Cambridge Univ. Press (1998)
DODELSON, S. - Modern Cosmology, Academic Press (2003);
MUKHANOV, V. - Physical Cosmology Cambridge Univ. Press (2005);
PEEBLES, P.J.E - Principles of Physical Cosmology. Princeton Univ. Press (1993);
WEINBERG, S - Cosmology, Oxford Univ. Press (2008)

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