Teses defendidas

Aluno Título Data de defesaordem decrescente
LEONARDO GIANI Accelerated expansion as manifestation of gravity: when Dark Energy belongs to the left 23/10/2020
JHONNY ANDRES AGUDELO RUIZ Cosmological model with running vacuum energy and warm dark matter 28/01/2021
EDISON CESAR DE OLIVEIRA SANTOS Amortecimento de buraco negro e considerações teóricas sobre a k-essência, Rastall e gravidade emaranhada 24/09/2021
TASSIA ANDRADE FERREIRA Statistical tools in cosmology: model selection and covariance matrix comparison 04/10/2021
GUILHERME BRANDO DE OLIVEIRA Gravidade Modificada e Cosmologia Estrutural em Grande Escala: um tratamento linear e não linear 10/06/2022
DAVID FRANCISCO CAMARENA TORRES Pushing the boundaries of modern cosmology: physics beyond the Copernican principle 16/08/2022
WALESKA PRISCYLLA FLORENCIO DE MEDEIROS Starobinsky Inflation And The Order Reduction Technique 03/10/2022
RAQUEL EMY FAZOLO Testing Clustering Dark Energy Models With The Skewness Of Matter Distribution 10/10/2022
RAHIMA MOKEDDEM Enhancing constraints and precision studies for a deeper understanding of the universe using CMB and 21cm maps 09/08/2023
EUNICE MONYENYE OMWOYO An analytic study of lensing by black holes in Kerr-de Sitter spacetimes 11/08/2023
ALEJANDRO HERNANDEZ ARBOLEDA Dark matter, modified gravity and galaxy rotation curves analyses: Novel methods 18/12/2023
RENAN ALVES DE OLIVEIRA Probing cosmology with an eye on Rubin: from Strong Lensing to the Large Scale Structure of the Universe 11/04/2024
ALEXSANDRE LEITE FERREIRA JUNIOR On the degenerate dynamics of branched Hamiltonians 21/08/2024
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